“Maker, Wearer, Viewer, Object: The Reflexive Destabilisation of Brooches in a Contemporary Jewellery Making Practice”
A study of U.S. contemporary reflexive practice to establish a deeper inquiry of jewelry’s subject-object relationship. The dissertation does the following:
1) Applies sociological concepts and methods to the field of jewelry
2) Focuses on practice as being an important method and the adaptation of a practice-based research model to jewelry
3) Establishes subject-object interdependent relationships by:
a) Makers observation, manufacture, and design
b) Interviews, both formal and informal
c) Bourdieusian model making and chart distinctions
Linguistic classifications and adaptation as it is applied to the concept of normativity
Allison Geremia, An exploration of adornment, 2015 - Wedding, Berlin.
Transart Institute for Creative Research, PHD Creative Practice Program
Community College of Rhode Island, Dept. of Fine Art
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dept. of Art History + Dept. of Art & Design
Art, Architecture and Design
Decorative Arts and Design
BFA Artisanry:
jewelry and metals
Art History
No one achieves anything alone
Thank you, thank you, thank you
Selected Publications
Maker, Wearer, Viewer, Object: The Reflexive Destabilisation of Brooches in a Contemporary Jewellery Making Practice, University of Plymouth PhD Thesis Archives, 2020.
“PRIED at the Society of Arts and Crafts Boston,” Metalsmith(39.4) Society of North American Goldsmiths, 2019, pp. 52-53.
“Through the Lens of a Jewellery Practice: The Role of Photography in a Practice-Based PhD,” JAWS (4.1) Intellect Publications, 2018, pp. 17-29.
Jewelry Perspectives, Parsons MA Thesis Archives, 2014.
Selected Conferences and Lectures
“Writing as Jeweler: Your Voice Belongs Here,” Workshop 1: New York City Jewelry Week (NYCJW 2020), via Zoom, 2020
“PhD Launch: Methods of Practice,” Art in General, Brooklyn NY, 2020
“Practice and Methods,” for Anna Dempsey’s Graduate Methodology Class at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Star Store Campus, New Bedford MA, 2019
“Normative Structure within a Reflexive Jewelry Making Practice,” SOMA Mexico City CDMX, 2018
“Sociological Adaptation within a Practiced-Based Research Model,” Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York NY, 2017
“The Disappearance of Object,” Destruction of Art: Past and Present, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth MA, 2016
“Evolution of the Functional Object,” Rhode Island College, Providence RI, 2015
“Consuming Contemporary Jewelry in the Museum,” Fusing the Past and Present: Art in the 21stCentury, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth MA, 2015
Selected Participant Features